ICU patients undergo initial catabolism with significant protein loss.
Nitrogen balance
Can be calculated: Loss (urine + faeces + invisible) – intake (1g nitrogen gor 6.25g protein)
Loss via faeces and insensitive are small and therefore estimated
Urinary urea nitrogen (UUN) can be a poor estimate in patients with burns, renal failure and enteric fistulas
When to start
- As soon as possible
- Definively within 14 days (increased mortality when started later)
- Ideally within 7 days
- Burns and trauma within 24h if possible
Complications of overfeeding
- Hyperglycaemia
- Uraemia (due to excessive nitrogen load)
- Hypercarbic respiratory failure (due to excessive Carbonhydrate load)
- Hepatic steatosis
- Hyperosmolar-non-ketonic coma
- Hyperlipidaemia
Nutritional expenditure
Can be measured by
- Indirect calorimetry (gold standard)
- Fick principle using HbxCOx(SaO2-SvO2)/100
Rough estimation of basal energy expenditure
- Predictive calculations eg Harris Benedict equation (may be superior to Fick principle)
- 20-30kcal/day per kilo body weight
- 80kg à 1600-2400 kcal/day
mild infection, postoperative + 10%
severe sepsis + 30-50%
burns + 30-70%
Protein requirement
1g/kg/day (equals 0.15g nitrogen/kg/day)
burns +100%
Route of nutrition
Whenever possible enteral nutrition should be preferred
- Lower cost
- Lower rate of infection
- Intravenous lipid may reduce neutrophil and RES function
- Direct nutritional effect on gut mucosa – enhanced barrier function
- Physiological emptying of the gallbladder
Enteral feeding may be associated with underfeeding (in impaired motility)
Orogastric or nasogastric 12-14F
BOS# is contraindication for nasogastric
Jejunal tubes do not reduce risk of aspiration
Jejunal preferred for pancreatitis to reduce pancreatic stimulation
CVC, PICC line
Starting with 30ml/h, increasing to target rate
Checking residual volumes q4h
Prokinetics if residual volumes remain high
Protocol useful
Importance of the pattern is unclear
Rest periods allow re-acidification and possibly reduce nosocomial pneumonia
Start at target rate
Must be weaned to avoid rebound hypoglycaemia
Food energy
Carbohydrates 4 kcal/g
Proteins 4 kcal/g
Fat 9 kcal/g
Different compositions available (e.g. Pulmocare, Nephro, 2cal…)
30-40% of calories via fat (eg lipid 20% 500ml/day =900kcal)
- Albumin, Pre-Albumin
- Transferrin
- Lipid profiles
- Sinusitis
- Misplacement of tube
- Aspiration
- Diarrhea (less with high-fibre products)
- Metabolic (hyperglycaemia)
- Refeeding Syndrome
- CVC related complications
- Metabolic (hyperglycaemia)
- Refeeding Syndrome (hypophosphataemia, hypokalaemia)
- Rebound hypoglycaemia
- Liver dysfunction (intrahepatic cholestasis, hepatic steatois)