Reduction of Hb <135g/l in men and <120g/l in women
Causes of anaemia
- Increased loss
- Haemorrhage
- Increased destruction
- Haemolysis
- Deceased production
- Iron / folate / Vit B12 deficience
- Porphyrin deficiency (lead poisoning)
- Bone marrow failure
- absolute (myelodysplasia, leukaemia, aplastic anaemia)
- relative (renal impairment, chronic infection)
- normocytic
- haemorrhage
- haemolysis
- leukaemia, myelofibrosis, aplasia
- microcytic
- primarily result of HB synthesis failure
- iron deficiency (diet, bleeding, parasites)
- macrocytic
- Megaloblastic (Vit B12, folate deficiency through reduced intake/ absorption)
- Alcoholism and liver disease
Haemolysis screen
- Full blood
- Reticulocytes (increased as compensation mechanism)
- Indirect bilirubin
- Haptoglobin (freeHp) is reduced because HB binds to Hp. Only free Hp is measured
- Ferritin
- Iron storage protein
- Reduced in iron deficiency
- Increased in tumor, infection
- Iron storage protein
- Transferrin
- Iron transport protein (normal saturation 30%)
- Reduced in haemolysis
- Increased in Iron deficiency and pregnancy
- Iron transport protein (normal saturation 30%)
Red blood cells
Adverse effects
- Citrate Toxicity?hypocalcaemia
- Hypothermia
- Jaundice
- aged blood > Bilirubinaemia
- Bacterial Contamination
- Viral transmission (HIV HCV, CMV)
- Haemolysis (ABO incompatibility)
- flushing, pain, (infusion site, headache, back, chest), N&V, hypotension, circulatory arrest
- Renal Impairment
- Allergic and anaphylactoid Reactions
- severity grading: Urticaria > nausea, mild hypotension > shock, bronchospasm > cardiac arrest
- Immune Modulation
- paO2/fiO2 <300mmHg
- within 6h of transfusion
- recovery occurrs within 48 hrs
Transfusion threshold
- Bone marrow failure: <10-20×109/l
- to maintain >50×109/l
- in qualitative platelet disorder
NOT indicated
- HUS, TTP, ITP (debateable)
- uncomplicated cardiac bypass surgery
- Replacement of single factor where specific factor unavailable
- Reversal of warfarin as factor 7 source (in combination with Prothrombinex (9, 10, 2, little 7)
- bleeding post transfusion and abnormal clotting tests
- In HUS, TTP (bridge to plasmapheresis)